Advice for Parents from a Maryland Injury Lawyer

June 9, 2011, by Rabihah Scott

Rabihah Scott wrote this blog post. She is an injury lawyer at the law firm Price Benowitz LLP. The firm is headquartered in Washington, DC with additional offices in Maryland, Virginia, and New York. For more information about the Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice group at Price Benowitz LLP, please visit our website

I read about a case in Virginia where the parents of a teenager were awarded over a million dollars because their daughter was killed in an accident while under the care of her friend's parents. It really made me think about my son. I thought about how much trust each of his friend's parents places in me when they let their children come over or spend the night. I think about all the extra liability I accept when I take a trip to the park or movies with extra children in tow at the request of my wonderful son. I take these risks without so much as a second thought in order to see a beautiful smile across my young son's face.

Each time I take on someone's child I am obligated to know the child's special issues and keep him or her out of harm's way. I am extra careful to call parents before giving the child any food or medication. I even call when the child asks for a toy or trinket I am relatively sure they can have. I make these calls not to be an annoyance to the parent, but to protect myself. I would rather ask one hundred times than to apologize even once.

As a parent it is important to let anyone caring for your child know exactly what your child's special needs are. If your child has special needs or dietary concerns, be sure to screen his or her caregivers and inform them of your child's needs.

You can visit Rabihah Scott's Google + profile to learn more about her.