New Carrollton Bus Accident

Many drivers find it difficult to share the road with buses but they are a necessity to many locals, providing a convenient way to get around the city. It's when you're involved in a New Carrollton bus accident that buses become a major inconvenience. Whether you were a passenger on the bus or driving your own vehicle when the accident happened, a bus accident can cause serious injuries and even death.
In most cases, bus drivers are very responsible and are genuinely concerned with doing their job right. But sometimes accidents happen and when you're the victim, it's normal to blame the driver, the bus company, and anyone else who may have played a role.
While a New Carrollton bus accident can result in painful and lasting injuries, numerous medical bills, and even friction at the job because of missed work, the party responsible for the accident could be forced to compensate you for all of these things. They have a responsibility to provide a safe experience and when that doesn't happen, they can be held liable.
Personal injury law can be complex and confusing. When you're in pain and dealing with mounting medical costs, more confusion is the last thing you need. This is precisely why having an attorney like those with Price Benowitz on your side can be so important. You need an advocate on your side and these attorneys can be that advocate.
After your New Carrollton bus accident, you'll likely be contacted by a representative from the city or an insurance adjuster soon after it happens. While they may seem concerned about your injuries, it's their job to save money. Most adjusters will ask to record an interview with you. What they are looking for is inconsistencies or any indication that their company doesn't have to be held responsible for your injuries. The good news is, you don't have to submit to the interview. You can contact an attorney right away and let them deal with the adjusters so you can focus on the healing process.
There is no "typical" bus accident. From falling on the bus because of poor upkeep of the flooring or being thrown from your vehicle when you are hit by a bus--the variables are countless. The injuries resulting from such accidents are numerous as well. We've seen whiplash and concussions to broken bones, brain injuries, and even fatalities.
Regardless of the severity, the attorneys with Price Benowitz LLP can help you make sense of your bus accident claim and what needs to be done next. Contact us today.