Largo Train Accident

No one asks to be involved in an accident. No one wants the pain and the costs associated with serious injury. But when you are the victim of a Largo train accident, it's not uncommon to question "why did this happen to me?" A serious accident can cause serious injuries and these injuries have the potential to change your life dramatically.
Train accidents are relatively uncommon. But when they occur, they are often very serious. Many people can be hurt and even killed in a train derailment or even a train fire. And while your first concern should be getting medical treatment for your injuries, you'll no doubt be concerned about other ramifications when the bills start coming in.
Depending on the seriousness of the accident, you could be left with a broken bone or even a traumatic brain injury. You might only need to be checked out one time in the emergency room. But more significant injuries could result in multiple overnights in the hospital. Even the most simple injuries can result in some pretty hefty bills when you calculate the emergency room doctor, radiology, and the hospital bill itself.
Fortunately, most train accidents are not the fault of the passengers. This means injured parties can hold the train company responsible for the accident and resulting injuries. Depending on the facts of your case, you could receive compensation for:

  • Emergency room bills
  • X-ray charges
  • Prescription costs
  • Follow-up medical costs
  • Physical therapy
  • Lost wages
  • Pain & suffering

Personal injury and accident laws can be confusing. But they were written with people like you in mind. You shouldn't be left to pick up the pieces after you're a victim of a train accident. A local personal injury attorney can help you make sense of your claim and advocate for your best interests.
Following a serious train accident, you could be contacted by a representative from the train company or an insurance adjuster representing their interests. While they will likely seem sympathetic to your needs, their main concern is saving money. This could result in them disallowing some of your bills or denying your entitlement to compensation altogether.
Discussing the case with an attorney will help put your mind at ease and allow you to focus on healing. Let the attorneys at Price Benowitz LLP help you. Contact us today for a free initial consultation on your case.